
Hoping for a better future for Astrology

Astrology is one of the most ancient sciences. The existence of it goes as far back as the history of mankind. In the Rigveda, reference is made to a certain constellation of stars which could only have occurred ninety-five thousand years ago. NINETY FIVE THOUSAND years, thats a long long time. Infact at that time it was much more advanced than it is now. What happened in between? Why from being a pure science it has turned to superstition to occult science? These are few big questions which are still unanswered in my mind.

Astrology has followers and numerous believers but still at the same time it is ignored. It does not have the same shine and lustre as any other western field of science. Why do we Indians as a community have so less faith in our own Indian heritage? Mostly astrologers are seeked only when there are troubles or for match making. But what about mere fact of having a harmonious life. To be in tune with the energy of the stars. To be on the right path of your soul.

Paracelsus, a swiss physician, gave birth to the discovery that man becomes ill only when the harmonious relationship between himself and the constellation of stars at his birth somehow breaks down. This discovery was made about 500 years ago. Paracelsus did very significant work in this connection. He would not prescribe medicine to any patient until he had seen his kundli, his astrological birth chart. He was able to cure a patient who could not be cured by any other physician. He used to say, “Until I know the position of the stars at the time of this man’s birth, it is not possible to know the notes of his inner harmony. And unless I know the arrangement of his inner harmony how can I make this man healthy?” Today 500 years later, scientists are trying to re-discover this art.

This is just one such example. There has been a tremendous amount of work involving some great names researching on all aspects of astrology in the past. But NOW is a great time. NOW is a time of faith. Many scientists all around the world are seeing and proving the art from our heritage. And I see brighter and a bigger future of Astrology.

What a day it would be when astrology will be taught as a mainstream subject in colleges.

1 thoughts on “Hoping for a better future for Astrology

  1. Manish says:

    […] Astrology is one of the most ancient sciences. The existence of it goes as far back as the history of mankind. In the Rigveda, reference is made to a certain constellation of stars which could only have occurred ninety-five thousand years ago. NINETY FIVE THOUSAND years, thats a long long time. Infact at that time it was much more advanced than it is now. […]

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