
Astrology and Career Counselling

What is Astrology?

Astrology is a science of fate and destiny. It is a science which recognises the spiritual essence of ‘karma and dharma’. Every soul takes birth to realise certain destiny. To learn some lessons and to enjoy some luxuries. This determination of the soul takes place at the time of birth. The first light that hits your body at your birth constitutes your energy system. The light is formed by seven colors emitted by our seven planets. At any particular time the energy level of these individual colors are never the same. Depending on energy levels of all these colors the blueprint of your life is formed. Study of this blueprint is Astrology. The first reference of astrology was done in Rigveda. Since then this science has maintained its share of believers and followers. It is one of the most ancient sciences.

How does Astrology help in Career Determination?

Astrology recognizes four aims of human life: Kama, Artha, Dharma and Moksha. Kama means desires, your emotional and sensory fulfilment. Artha means goals, Dharma means one’s principles. Moksha’s means liberation or freedom. So when you determine your career path which are in sync with your true desires, goals and principles, it becomes much easier for one to nurture it ahead and flourish in life. We see so many cases today of students being confused about their career even after finishing their education. In many cases they end up doing jobs which are entirely different from their educational background. Only if one had taken proper guidance early on one could have educated in the right path, hence increasing the probability of performing better in jobs.

What is the right age to take astrological guidance and how accurately can one predict the career?

It is always ideal to take astrological guidance when a child is in 10th or 12th std. The time when one chooses the education stream. However if career is something that is bothering you at any point one can seek consultation.

Astrology can accurately predict firstly the nature of one’s career whether it will be a job, business or consultancy – in India or abroad. Then it can predict about the direction medical, technical, creative, administrative, computers, artistic, research, etc. Beyond that one can also use it to understand the branches one will be good at for example if one takes engineering the branch would be chemical, bio, computer mining, metals, automobile, etc. In today’s day and world even to predict till this point is a very broad prediction as there are many paths one can choose from their as well. In such cases if a person already has shortlisted 2-3 things in his mind then it becomes easier for me to guide.

In the end I would just like to add that taking astrological career counselling at the right age can really help one save time, efforts and money in the long run.

– Anshu Popli

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