In the coming days we will speak about the benefits of certain colours and how to use it for our own well being. Today’s focus in on colour Orange. Orange is a very strong colour and it has healing properties. It combines the fiery energy of Red and warmth and happiness of yellow. Orange brings high degree of positivism and helps us through tough moments. It has great energy balancing properties. Orange colour helps restore our physical energy balance hence stabilizing the balance of positive and negative energies. A bedroom is a place which requires a well-balanced energy flow as it is a place which one uses the most and feels attached to the most. If you feel this place drains your energy in any way. Putting orange elements in the room help clear the energy flow and thus increase happiness, enthusiasm, positivity and upward energy. These elements can be in the form of bed sheets, vases, rugs or anything else. But it needs to be prominently visible.